Preparing to buy hearing aids is an exciting time! Hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. Similar to most electronic devices we use today, hearing aids have experienced significant innovation over recent years. Hearing aids are savvier and sleeker than ever before. The hearing aid industry has continued to produce cutting edge technologies and award winning designs that allow these devices to seamlessly integrate into everyday life while supporting hearing needs optimally. With many hearing aids to choose from, navigating your options can be a little overwhelming. Learning more about hearing aids can better help you prepare and select the device that is best for you. 

  • Are there different types of hearing aids? Yes, hearing aid types are typically labeled with a three letter acronym. Hearing aids types or styles can be categorized as behind the ear (BTE) or in the ear (ITE) devices: 
  • Behind-the-ear (BTE): these are maybe what you picture when thinking about hearing aids. They are worn behind the top portion of the outer ear and have a thin tube that connects to an earpiece worn in the ear canal. Different types of BTE devices include: receiver in the ear (RITE) and mini BTE hearing aids. In-the-ear (ITE):  in the ear hearing aids are smaller than BTE devices and are custom made using molds taken off your ears. This ensures a perfect fit in your ear. Depending on the type, hearing aids are worn at different points in the ear.  Different types include:  in the canal (ITC), invisible in canal (IIC), and completely in canal (CIC). CIC hearing aids are the smallest type of hearing aid available and are worn entirely in the ear canal. 

These types of hearing aids correspond with a degree of hearing loss that they optimally treat (mild to severe). For example, CIC devices are optimal for people with mild forms of hearing loss. 

  • How do I know which type is for me? Your hearing healthcare provider will help you navigate your hearing aid options. They will recommend specific devices that can be best for your hearing health. A few factors are used to identify devices that are optional, this includes the specifics of your hearing loss – type, degree of impairment, needs of each ear etc. Lifestyle factors are also considered, this includes: what you do for work, what your social life looks like, any hobbies or activities you regularly participate in, the climate you live in etc. These factors help identify the types of environments you are in and what your hearing aids need to be able to do to meet your hearing needs in these settings. 
  • What factors should I consider? As you prepare to navigate various types of hearing aids, there are helpful pieces of information you can identify so that you can better filter through your options. This includes establishing your budget, knowing the types of features and technologies you are interested in, defining your aesthetic preferences, exploring hearing aid accessories etc. 
  • How do I maintain my hearing aids? It is important to thoroughly discuss proper use and maintenance of your hearing aids when you receive them. Hearing aids are worn daily so they are impacted by daily wear and tear. This highlights the importance of regularly clearing your device so that they stay in optimal shape. Establishing a maintenance routine that you practice once you remove your hearing aids before sleeping is useful. This should include thoroughly wiping down your device with a soft and dry cloth, removing any earwax or dirt that may have gotten on them. You can use a dehumidifier overnight to remove all moisture from your device and store your hearing aids in a cool area. 
  • How long do hearing aids last? Depending on the type and model of hearing aid, these devices can last 5-7 years. Regularly cleaning your hearing aid and even getting it professionally serviced contributes to its longevity and performance. 
  • What if I experience issues with my hearing aids? If at any point you experience any issues with your device, it is important to take your device to your hearing healthcare provider to be inspected. This includes experience feedback issues, your device powers off randomly, or just doesn’t seem to be delivering clear sound. 

Contact us today to learn more about your healing aid options and how to approach choosing the best device for you!