Hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that people live with today. Impacting over 48 million people, hearing loss is projected to increase. The World Health Organization estimates that over 1 billion people globally are at high risk of developing hearing loss. This medical condition reduces a person’s capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound. This not only strains hearing and communication but also relationships, social life, and overall health. 

It is important to know that there are healthy hearing habits you can practice to reduce your risk of developing hearing loss. Integrating the following safety measures can significantly help protect your hearing health and wellness: 

1. Wear hearing protection: there are various types of hearing protection including headphones, earbuds, earmuffs, and earplugs. These items provide the ears with a physical barrier, reducing the amount of loud noise that is absorbed. Be sure to carry hearing protection with you while navigating noisier settings, at concerts, commuting etc. These items can effectively mitigate the harm of loud noise, significantly protecting the ears. 

2. Invest in noise cancellation: headphones and earbuds are common ways people listen to audio. From music to podcasts and talking on the phone; headphones or earbuds are an essential and everyday way people do this. While they make listening to audio convenient, they are also a common way people are exposed to high levels of noise. An effective way to be able to listen to audio safely is to use noise canceling headphones. This technology is designed to reduce background noise which prevents you from increasing the volume on your device while moving through environments that are noisier. This allows people to listen to audio safely in all settings. 

3. Reduce loud noise exposure: in addition to wearing hearing protection, there are additional ways you can reduce your exposure to loud noise. This includes avoiding settings that have lots of background noise (like busy restaurants during peak hours), maintaining low volume settings on electronic devices, taking 5-10 minute listening breaks throughout the day, driving with the windows rolled up, opting for quieter settings etc. 

4. Boost nutrient intake: there are different types of nutrients that support healthy hearing. This includes magnesium, potassium, zinc, as well as vitamins C and D. You can find these nutrients in fruits and vegetables so increasing your intake of plant based foods is a good way to access them. These nutrients support healthy blood flow, oxygen levels, cell health etc. which are critical to how sound is absorbed and processed.  

5. Increase physical activity: another way you can support your hearing health is by increasing your physical activity. Exercise is known to have many benefits including reducing health risks and supporting blood flow throughout the body including the ears where sound is processed. There are simple ways you can increase your physical activity including: taking a daily walk, doing yoga or daily stretches, finding a physical activity you enjoy – biking, water aerobics, golf etc. 

6. Eliminate triggers: extensive research shows that there are factors that can increase the risk of developing hearing loss. This includes behavioral factors like smoking and drinking. According to experts, ingredients like nicotine and alcohol can affect blood vessels and blood flow. This can produce damage and impair blood flow throughout the body including the ears which can then affect how sound is absorbed and processed. It is important to reduce or eliminate your consumption, this is especially useful if you are increasingly vulnerable to developing hearing loss. 

7. Test hearing regularly: another great healthy hearing habit to practice is getting your hearing tested regularly. Hearing tests are painless and noninvasive. Conducted by a hearing healthcare provider, hearing tests involve a process that measures hearing capacities in both ears. This identifies any hearing loss and the degree of impairment you could be experiencing. Getting your hearing evaluated regularly allows you to monitor your hearing health and intervene early if you experience any changes to your hearing health. 

Integrating these strategies in your everyday life can significantly support your hearing health and reduce your risk of developing hearing loss. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation and to learn more about how you can prioritize your hearing health and wellness.