A great way you can invest in your health and wellness is by treating hearing loss. An estimated 1 in 8 people have some degree of impaired hearing in the U.S. Though millions of people are affected by hearing loss, it still tends to be undertreated. In fact, only a third of people who could benefit from treatment, actually receive it. Hearing loss can take a toll on your hearing and communication which has numerous consequences on everyday life. Prioritizing your hearing health by access treatment not only changes your hearing health trajectory but also your overall health and quality of life. 

Benefits of Treatment 

Treating hearing loss offers numerous benefits that allow people to live active lives that they can fully participate in. Key benefits include the following: 

  • Strengthens communication: hearing loss is a medical condition that produces a range of symptoms that make it harder to hear. This includes tinnitus (ringing or buzzing noise in the ears), muffling or distortion of speech and sound, and difficulty hearing in places that have background noise. These symptoms often cause people to have a difficult time navigating conversations. Treating hearing loss alleviates these symptoms, creating greater capacity to hear and engage in communication. Hearing aids, the most common way hearing loss is treated, provide the ears and brain with ample support. This makes it easier to hear and readily engage in conversations, strengthening communication. 
  • Improves relationships: hearing loss doesn’t just impact the person with it but also their loved ones. People often report feeling unheard and ignored by their loved one with hearing loss. This contributes to distance and frustration which causes disconnect in relationships. Fortunately, treatment addresses and changes this effectively. Communication is essential in relationships and by strengthening hearing and communication, relationships are improved in significant ways. People are more able to spend quality time with others and participate in everyday activities with greater ease. There is no more arguing over the volume of the TV or having strained conversations at the dinner table. Treating hearing loss allows people to be fully present and to actively engage with others, improving relationships. 
  • Enriches social life: a common outcome of untreated hearing loss is social withdrawal. To deal with strained communication and conversations being so challenging, people often avoid them as much as possible. This causes people to spend less time with loved ones and to skip social activities and gatherings. Treating hearing loss alleviates this by providing the support needed to comfortably navigate social settings. Hearing aids offer a range of features and technologies that reduce background noise and deliver sharp sound quality. This is especially useful in social settings which tend to be more active and noisier. People are equipped with the tools needed to engage in these environments and feel confident doing so which enriches social life and connection.  
  • Supports work performance: another benefit of treating hearing loss is that it supports work performance. People are better able to communicate effectively which is essential to success at work. Having greater capacity to hear and communicate allows people to hear instruction more accurately, participate in meetings, and manage work responsibilities. 
  • Decreases health risks: extensive research shows that hearing loss is associated with an increased number of health risks. This includes cognitive decline, depressive symptoms, and falls. Treatment alleviates these risks and strengthens overall health in major ways. Hearing aids strengthen cognitive functions and support brain health which reduces the risk of cognitive decline. Also, by strengthening communication as well as improving relationships and social life; mental health is better supported. Hearing aids also allow people to be more aware of their environment and potential hazards, increasing safety and reducing the risk of falls and accidental injuries. 

These benefits tremendously support a better quality of life. Treating hearing loss allows people to navigate everyday life with greater confidence, comfort, and capacity to engage. 

Prioritize Your Hearing Health Today

Scheduling a hearing test is the first step towards accessing effective treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a hearing consolation. This involves a painless and noninvasive evaluation process that identifies your hearing needs and the best way to treat those needs.